Prayer & Fasting Calendar

Please pray over this first before committing to it, because it’s going to take sacrifice and commitment. Anyone who is willing to fast & pray, signs up for a day or multiple days, then on those days, fast and pray for Donny and his family, Dustin and his family, the leaders in our church and their families, and the church as a whole.

Fasting can be anything from giving up food all day, to not listening to the radio on your way home from work, and praying instead. They are things that you would sacrificially give up to be in prayer for Donny, Dustin, the elders and the church. Think about the things in your life that would be a sacrifice for you, take them in prayer to God and ask HIM which one HE’d like you to sacrifice for a day.

What we need from you:

  • Think about what would be a sacrifice. If you’re not sure what would be a sacrifice for you, ask God for HIS help.
  • If your willing to sacrifice something, ask God to start strengthening your mind now, and ask that you would be able to withstand that    temptation of given into that sacrifice.

Thank you so much for your commitment to fast and pray for the leaders of our church.

Green= Available
Red= Pending
Yellow= Approved
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