Nov 15, 2020
How To Pray: Pray Powerfully
Series: Past Sermons

If you have become a Christian, it means you are a follower of Christ. You will do what He does. You will go where He goes, you will say what He says. You will follow His example. And Jesus prayed. Therefore, Christians must pray. Just as Jesus had power in his prayers, so also do you. Join us as we learn to Pray Powerfully.

#stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #BeIntentionalin2020 #HowToPray #PrayPowerfully

  • Nov 15, 2020How To Pray: Pray Powerfully
    Nov 15, 2020
    How To Pray: Pray Powerfully
    Series: Past Sermons

    If you have become a Christian, it means you are a follower of Christ. You will do what He does. You will go where He goes, you will say what He says. You will follow His example. And Jesus prayed. Therefore, Christians must pray. Just as Jesus had power in his prayers, so also do you. Join us as we learn to Pray Powerfully.

    #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #BeIntentionalin2020 #HowToPray #PrayPowerfully

  • Nov 8, 2020How To Pray: The Lord’s Model
    Nov 8, 2020
    How To Pray: The Lord’s Model
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today we start a new month and a new sermon series. We are going to take the bulk of November at look at prayer. Most all of us are familiar with the Lord’s Prayer, and some of us have attended churches where it was recited every Sunday. But do you really understand it?
    #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #BeIntentionalin2020 #HowToPray #TheLordsModel
    Music: "Royalty Free Music from Bensound"
  • Nov 1, 2020Church Roll Call: Everyone
    Nov 1, 2020
    Church Roll Call: Everyone
    Series: Past Sermons
    Over the past three weeks, we’ve talked about the roles of Preachers, Elders, and Deacons. These are the primary leaders in worship. They are the pace setters. The Preachers preach and teach. The Elders - pastor/guard/protect. The Deacons – serve in various ministries for the church. So a person might be excused for asking “If these men do all that in church what are the rest of us here for?" Let's find out...
    #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #BeIntentionalin2020 #ChurchRoleCall #Everyone
  • Oct 25, 2020Church Roll Call: Ministers
    Oct 25, 2020
    Church Roll Call: Ministers
    Series: Past Sermons
    We are in a series called Role Call. We have looked at some roles within the church. First, we looked at the role of Elders. They are the spiritual leaders. Their responsibility to guide and lead the church under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Last week we looked at the roles of deacons. They are the servants in the church. Their role is to make sure that the various ministries are going, allowing the elders to fulfill their main role. Today we come to everyone’s favorite role, the minister! What does the Bible say they roll of the minister is? Let’s find out…   #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #BeIntentionalin2020 #ChurchRoleCall #Ministers
  • Oct 11, 2020Church Roll Call: Deacons
    Oct 11, 2020
    Church Roll Call: Deacons
    Series: Past Sermons
    Last week we looked at the biblical role of Elders. They are the spiritual leaders of the church. They have been given authority by God to teach and lead the church. It is a heavy responsibility. One that holds great consequences, if not fulfilled the right way. But there is another role within the church. The role of a Deacon. What does the Bible say the role of a Deacon is? Let's find out! #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #BeIntentionalin2020 #ChurchRoleCall #Deacons
  • Oct 4, 2020Church Role Call: Elders
    Oct 4, 2020
    Church Role Call: Elders
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today we begin a new sermon series, Church Role Call. We each have a biblical role that makes up the church. And today we begin with who exactly is in charge of leading the church? And if that is not our role, what do we part do we fill? Check out this message on Elders and let us know what you think. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #BeIntentionalin2020 #ChurchRoleCall #Elders
  • Sep 20, 2020Confessions of a Minister: Sometimes I Don’t Want To Obey
    Sep 20, 2020
    Confessions of a Minister: Sometimes I Don’t Want To Obey
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today we come to the last confession. And this one really hit close to home. See we have a new puppy. His name is Charlie. Now he is cute and fun and full of energy. We are working on training him and teaching him a few commands. However, Charlie is not a big fan of obeying. He will IF he gets a reward for obeying, but if there is nothing in it for him then he really doesn’t want to obey. And sometimes, I hate to admit, I am just like Charlie. In today’s Confessions of a Minister: we find out that Sometimes I Don’t Want To Obey. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #BeIntentionalin2020 #ConfessionsOfAMinister #SometimesIDon’tWantToObey
  • Sep 13, 2020Confessions of a Minister: Sometimes I Have Doubts
    Sep 13, 2020
    Confessions of a Minister: Sometimes I Have Doubts
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today we are filled with so many different ideas, so many different theories, different perspectives, that many times we don’t know which is right or true. We doubt what is true. Sometimes I have doubts. Sometimes I doubt the news. Sometimes I doubt people’s sincerity. Sometimes I doubt people’s commitment. Sometimes I doubt others faith. But to be brutally honest, sometimes I have doubts about God. This is my confession, Confessions of a Minister: Sometimes I Have Doubts. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #BeIntentionalin2020 #ConfessionsOfAMinister #SometimesIHaveDoubts
  • Sep 6, 2020Confessions of a Minister: Sometimes I Don’t Want To Pray
    Sep 6, 2020
    Confessions of a Minister: Sometimes I Don’t Want To Pray
    Series: Past Sermons
    Are you ready for the next confession? So far, we have heard Donny confess that sometimes he feels inadequate for this job. And sometimes he really does not like people. Today we find that sometimes he does not want to pray. Have you ever experienced that? And what do we do when we just do not want to pray? Join us as we hear Confessions of a Minister: Sometimes I Don’t Want To Pray. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #BeIntentionalin2020 #ConfessionsOfAMinister #SometimesIDontWantToPray
  • Aug 23, 2020Confessions of a Minister: Sometimes I Don’t Like People
    Aug 23, 2020
    Confessions of a Minister: Sometimes I Don’t Like People
    Series: Past Sermons
    “As we continue in this sermon series, Confessions of a Minster, we come to today’s confession, Sometimes I Don’t Like People. Sometimes, people are just difficult to live with. They do such stupid things that cause us to be irritated, frustrated, and make us just not like them. Such as, why do some people insist on going past first few slices in a loaf of bread and grab the third or fourth one in? Why do people leave half a swallow in the milk jug? Why do people park in two spaces at once? Besides all the foolish things people do in general there are the church people. Christians can be judgmental and unforgiving. Christians can be condescending. Christians can be arrogant and selfish. Christians can be just plain weird. But worst of all some Christians can be hypocritical. Which led me to ask, “Did Jesus sometimes not like people?” WHAT? Were there times when Jesus thought, “I don’t like you”?” Check out this confession of Donny’s and see what God reveals. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #BeIntentionalin2020 #ConfessionsOfAMinister #SometimesIDontLikePeople