Jan 24, 2022
Pursue: Quest For A Godly Heart
Series: Past Sermons
As the new year begins, we are beginning a new focus, a new theme. There are so many things in this world that beckon us, that call us to chase after them. The loudest of those voices are generally fame and fortune but what does God want us to pursue? Join us as we begin 2022 on a journey, a quest to have a heart for God. Our theme for the year is Pursue: Quest For A Godly Heart. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022 #QuestForAGodlyHeart
  • Jan 24, 2022Pursue: Quest For A Godly Heart
    Jan 24, 2022
    Pursue: Quest For A Godly Heart
    Series: Past Sermons
    As the new year begins, we are beginning a new focus, a new theme. There are so many things in this world that beckon us, that call us to chase after them. The loudest of those voices are generally fame and fortune but what does God want us to pursue? Join us as we begin 2022 on a journey, a quest to have a heart for God. Our theme for the year is Pursue: Quest For A Godly Heart. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022 #QuestForAGodlyHeart
  • Jan 24, 2022Acts Unwrapped
    Jan 24, 2022
    Acts Unwrapped
    Series: Past Sermons
    Our theme for the year is Destination. All year long we have looked through the book of Acts. At times in great detail. All to help us see where God was leading us individually and corporately as the church. Through out this book, we have seen the church do some incredible Kingdom growth. But is there something else in here. Is there an underlying message? Let’s unwrap Acts. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #ActsUnwrapped
  • Jan 24, 2022Becoming A Gift Giver: Worship
    Jan 24, 2022
    Becoming A Gift Giver: Worship
    Series: Past Sermons
    This Christmas season we are looking at how we can become Gift Givers. Not gifts to our family and friends, but being a gift giver to God. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #BecomingAGiftGiver
  • Jan 24, 2022Becoming a Gift Giver: Joy
    Jan 24, 2022
    Becoming a Gift Giver: Joy
    Series: Past Sermons
    This Christmas season we are looking at how we can become Gift Givers. Not gifts to our family and friends, but being a gift giver to God. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #BecomingAGiftGiver
  • Jan 24, 2022Becoming a Gift Giver: Obedience
    Jan 24, 2022
    Becoming a Gift Giver: Obedience
    Series: Past Sermons
    This Christmas season we are looking at how we can become Gift Givers. Not gifts to our family and friends, but being a gift giver to God. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #BecomingAGiftGiver
  • Jan 23, 2022Pursue: The Giant Slayer
    Jan 23, 2022
    Pursue: The Giant Slayer
    Series: Past Sermons
    We will all face situations in our lives where we need to be victorious. We all meet situations in life where we can do nothing in our own power or strength to overcome. There are going to be situations in our lives that are big, that are giants. We must decide how we are going to face them. Join us as we Pursue a Godly Heart. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022 #QuestForAGodlyHeart
  • Dec 5, 2021Becoming A Gift Giver: Recognition
    Dec 5, 2021
    Becoming A Gift Giver: Recognition
    Series: Past Sermons
    There is no other holiday like Christmas, where expectation is so much a part of its celebration. We look forward to Christmas, longer, and with greater anticipation, then all other holidays combined. We have all heard the phrase, “It is better to give than to receive.” Where does this idea come from? Join us this Christmas season as we are Becoming A Gift Giver.   #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #BecomingAGiftGiver
  • Nov 28, 2021Destination Rome: A Rock & A Hard Place
    Nov 28, 2021
    Destination Rome: A Rock & A Hard Place
    Series: Past Sermons
    You are in some sort of trial, or trouble. You look for escape in one direction and you run into a new problem. You turn the other way, and there is more trials. You are between a rock and a hard place. No matter which way you turn, there seems to be no hope, no escape, no help in sight, no answer. Have you ever been between a rock and a hard place? How do you get through these times? All of us either have been there in the past, or are there, or will be there in the future. So, when you're there, what can you do? Join us as we find out in Acts 23.
    #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #DestinationRome
  • Nov 23, 2021Destination Rome: Your Story
    Nov 23, 2021
    Destination Rome: Your Story
    Series: Past Sermons
    Last week we saw how some well-intentioned people tried to stop Paul from going to Jerusalem. Ultimately it was God’s will that Paul go. In the rest of chapter 21, Paul arrives in Jerusalem. The Jerusalem church welcomes Paul, but the Jews of that area do not. This causes great friction and ultimately leads to Paul’s story. His testimony. Join as we continue our journey.
    #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #DestinationRome
  • Nov 23, 2021Destination Rome: Good Advice… Bad Advice
    Nov 23, 2021
    Destination Rome: Good Advice… Bad Advice
    Series: Past Sermons
    Advice can be a wonderful thing…or an absolute disaster. I bet that all of us can think back to some bad advice you received or perhaps some bad advice that you have given. Sometimes we don’t want to hear advice, but we should hear it anyway and pay heed to it. Last Sunday we started the final sermon series through our study of Acts. Destination Rome. Paul is focused on his destination. In our text, we see Paul’s friends trying desperately to give him advice. These are good godly people. They are giving this advise through love of God and love of Paul. Let’s see what kind of advise they gave, and how Paul handled it.
    #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #DestinationRome